Page name: Dark World Characters [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-04-05 23:44:52
Last author: Silver Moon
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Dark World Characters

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Character Name:
Items of Importance:

Username: [Cheshire Wolf]
Character Name: Quiyue (Autumn Moon)
Gender: Female
Age: 562
Race: Were Tigeress
Class: Tiger in the Tiger exhibit at the Local zoo
History: Long ago she was the princess of a ruling family in her home land. A great sorcerer fell in love with the weretigeress for her amazing beauty and grace, but she wanted nothing to do with the man. She just wished to be free and to live the life she wanted. So the sorcerer cursed her and turned her into her tigeress form to live eternity as a tiger. She was locked in his palace for years only turning to a human on the full moon nights when the sorcerer would try to seduce her all the more until her family came to her rescue. When they did they found out her dark secret that was now her life. so she lived out her days in the palace. Years past and her family hid themselves away from the world using magic, one day while exploring the woods Quiyue is captured by humans tranqulized out of the blue. When she comes to she finds herself in a shipping crate not knowing whats going on. Its not long later when she finds herself in a tiger exhibit as a prized animal of the Zoological world due to her truly unique fur pattern. It wasn’t long later when her brother Lei came but to his surprise she was happy, the zoo was beautiful with a huge tiger exhibit and she could have fun without worrying about being shot or poached for her fur so Lei became the new tiger keeper and from then on every ten to thirteen years they pretended to breed her and then after a year in hiding she moves on to a new zoo.
Strengths: Super strength in both tiger and human form faster then a normal tiger but with a unique power over water.
Weaknesses: always being in tiger form except for the full moon being human
Items of Importance: all her personal possessions are with her big brother


Username: [Cheshire Wolf]
Character name: Marzena
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Race: Unicorn shape shifter
History: Born different then her unicorn brethren , Marzena had always been an outsider amongst her kind. Called a freak for not being able to fully turn human while carrying the odd symbols on her body as well. The elders of her kind though called her the Dream walker. Unknown to the powers that lie dormant in her heart for many years Marzena has lived thriving on her own, until one day in the forest she was captured. For the past year she has gone from city to city in her world as part of a freak show, unable to free herself from her bonds she is trapped as an attraction with no chance of being free.
Description: ((see image below))
Profession: Freak show attraction
Items: Her unicorn horn is her life
Strengths: with their never have been a dream walker in her kind before that she or her tribe new of she had no one to learn from so whatever powers she might have are hidden away inside of her. Also whatever powers she might have are Nullified by her collar and wrists shackles.
Weaknesses: her collar and wrist shackles keep her under her masters power.
Relations (optional): She keeps to herself at the freak show not making friends with anyone, not wanting to have any connection to people at the freak show.
Image (optional): <img:>

Username: [Cheshire Wolf]
Character name: Mary Santia
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Race: Human
History: has lived in a small town in the middle of no where Arkansas has lived in the town all of her life alone since most men have either picked on her or don’t give her a second glance. Most people think she is an albino due to her white hair which seems to be tinted a soft blue in the right light. But the truth was, was that her mother had been a chemical and genetic engineer. While pregnant with mary using the chemicals she had been using caused for Mary to change like that.
Description: See image
Class: Waitress
Items: None
Weaknesses: Mortal
Relations (optional): None, The one she makes with Kristophe
Image (optional): <img:>

Username:[Cheshire Wolf]
Character Name: Silas Falrica
Race: Unicorn (Red Unicorn, same special dream and illusion unicorn as Marzena)
Class: Ring Master and Owner of the Cirque De Fantisima
History: Born to the Red Unicorn tribe, he was treated as an outcast and a freak amongst his own people. So when he was old enough he ran away. From then on he traveled for years from city to city surviving in the slums of it all. When he came to one city in Other world in the far north he was found by the temple priests which served the temple of one of the greater gods, the master of Dreamscapes and Nightmares, The master of Illusions. There he came into the power that came with what he was. There he learned to change himself into anyone and anything he truly became a master of Dreams and illusions. With his power he decided to invade the dreams and Nightmares of those who came to his circus he created. He gained great wealth and fortune off of the misfortune of others and also grew more powerful, sewing the seeds of his power, especially in his customers. Because as his customers would leave, he would still invade their dreams and nightmares feeding off the darkness and the light. In his travels he discovered the birth of a second like him another Unicorn of Dreams and Illusions born to the black Unicorn tribe. He hid himself amongst their kind and lived with them for years waiting and biding his time watching as she grew up. When the time came he had his men capture her. Taking her off to the circus, there he began his work on her, trying to awaken her powers using the same tactics that the temple had used on him.
Strengths:A master of Dreams and Illusions also powers over fire due to his brith as one of the Red Unicorn tribe.
Weaknesses: Unknown
Items of Importance:A necklace he carries hidden under his shirt of a temple he spent some time in growing up. The temple had helped him become the master he is in the art of illusion and Dreams.
His markings he hides are red some of his markings are under the black makeup on his cheek the rest are hidden under his clothes he looks human but if he let his magic down he would look like a male version of Marzena except with his strawberry red hair and his Red red marking, and he just makes his hand look all skeletony for his performances

Username:[Silver Moon]
Character Name:Miach Mccaulter
Age:16 (In appearance, really 900)
Class:College student/ Store worker/Vampire hunter
History:Miach was embraced when he was 16 in Europe. He came from a wealthy family but was disowned after he was embraced. His parents came from a long line of hunters and his father even tried to slay him. He fled to Japan where he began training in martial arts for about 100 years. He then went to China and learned the fighting styles there as well (100 years). After that he began traveling around the world learning about many languages and cultures and their fighting styles. He used his knowledge to hunt evil vampires and protect the innocent. In Japan the legend of the Dragon fighter, is truly about him.
In 1620 he fell in love with a doctor and moved in with him. The doctor found out what he was and rather then caste him out he loved him even more for his honesty. In 1625 his lover gave him an amulet that had been passed down through his family as a token of their love. Sadly that night his love was killed by a man who despised homosexuals. That man was the first man Miach had killed with murderous intent. He tried to save Victor but Victor died in his arms.
Saddened by the loss he buried Victor and left the area, he took the amulet and a lock of Victor's golden hair in remembrance.
In 1629 he was captured by a powerful vampire and forced to be his sex slave. Over time Miach was able to muster his strength and in 1900 he managed to slay his master and destroy the 'home' he had come to despise.
Unknown to Miach his old master's daughter (who is obsessed with Miach)managed to escape and is searching for him.
He went to school in Oxford and studied by night. Recently he has traveled around the world always taking classes by night. His job is at a 24 hour store where he works night shifts on the weekends.
Strengths: His martial arts and intelligence.
Weaknesses: He can be a little to forgiving of people and can fall into a trap when he thinks people are in trouble (how he was caught), he is unable to walk in the sun.
Items of Importance: Two rings given to him be his martial arts masters from long ago. Samari swords, Katanas, and and amulet given to him be his deceased lover and a lock of hair from his love, contained within the amulet.

Username:[Silver Moon]
Character Name:Erabain
Race:half elf
History:Erabain was once a top student on the honor roll and the son of the royal elven family. That was until he met Claude who he fell in love with...
Cloude had been a teacher at the university he was attending. He had hit on Erabain who eventually relented believing Cluade truly cared about him.
Cluade took advantage of Erabain's feelings and has since forced him to break all contact with his former life.
In fact Erabain is kept in Claude's home where he is used by Claude for physical pleasure. Erabain believes his relationship to Claude is healthy and normal but part of him longs to be back at school and with his family.
His family has been searching for him frantically.
Though he believes his relationship is normal and healthy he wants Claude to be more gentle and compassionate.
He is often mistaken for a girl.
Strengths:mental magic and photographic memory
Weaknesses:trusting too easily.
Items of Importance:a ring that was passed down through his family.

Username:[Silver Moon]
Character Name:"Loki" (real name Kia)
Race:Half god/ half angel
Class:government official and hacker.
History:Talas was nearly killed a werewolf. His family was killed and he was blamed for their deaths.unknown to him his family was only his adopted family, he was a foundling. His true family seeks to destroy him due to a prophecy that he would destroy them. They had tried to kill him when he was a baby by leaving him in frigid mountains but he was found.
To escape prison he was forced to join the government who aims to "control" none humans. He detests his job but does it to avoid being imprisoned.
Kia chose the name Loki because he believes he has to be tricky in order to avoid the government turning on him. He is aware they are using him and will get rid of him when he outgrows his usefulness.
Strengths:Has the ability to locate non humans. He can read minds and has racial abilities. He has the ability to kill someone by writing their name on a piece of paper and concentrating on how he wants the person to die. He did this to one of the government officials
Weaknesses:distrustful of others he is weakened by his own racial abilities due to having trouble controlling his power.
Items of Importance: A photo of his deceased family. A strange amulet that he has (unknown to him it is a protection amulet his birth mother gave him to protect him from his father wanting to prevent the prophecy. She doesn't believe the prophecy and wants him to live.)
Government items and his high tech laptop.

Username:[Silver Moon]
Character Name:Chrisa (or Chris)
History:Chrysa is a tomboy who came from a loving caring family. Her life was relatively boring but happy until three days before her 16th birthday when she dreamed her twin brother was struck by a car and killed.
Believing it was a nightmare she warned her brother but thought little of it. That was until he was killed the same way on their birthday.
Since then she has had visions of the future (good and bad) and her family has began to view her with suspicion. Her uncle tried to kill her and her father saved her. Though her parents are a little scared of her power they still love her and want to protect her.
Chris blames herself for her brother's death and hates her power. She wishes she could make her life go back to normal and peaceful. Her power's have changed her school life too. Many kids she thought were her friends now view her as a freak due to her abilities.
Her older brother and sister hate her and blame her for not doing more to ward Will. This has increased her trouble at school due to them spreading rumors about her.
Strengths:Her ability to see future events
Weaknesses:Her ability
Items of Importance:Her brother's cross necklace. A picture of her twin.

Username:[Silver Moon]
Character Name:Evelina (Eve)
Class:Seer/ student
History:Eve was found washed ashore on a beach, barely alive by a fisherman. He took her in and raised her as his own. She appeared to be about 2. Unknown to her due to amnesia she is the youngest daughter of a mermaid queen. Due to her memory loss she doesn't even know she is a mermaid.
Her 'father' refused to let her swim and she only thinks that he was afraid of her drowning. She feels drawn to the sea despite this and wants to learn to swim.
She has realized she ages slower then a normal human, when she was 16 her 'father' passed away. She was saddened by this and even more depressed after being adopted by a man who has been using her for her abilities. She doesn't know how he found out about them. The man's wife is the only reason why she hasn't run away. The woman loves and cares for her and has placed Eve in the best school.
The man will abuse her if she refuses to use her abilities and he acts nice when his wife is around.
Strengths:Seer abilities, able to manipulate some future events. She is able to read minds.
Weaknesses:Trusting people with the knowledge of her abilities, she tends to be shy.
Items of Importance: A shell necklace that was carved into a swan by her 'father'. A picture of her 'father' a pearl bracelet her new mother gave her. And pearl earrings and a necklace she has had for as long as she can remember. The earrings and necklace are extremely rare and were hers since she was a baby.

Username:[Silver Moon]
Character Name:Vanngarias or Vann
Race:Elf/were Raven
Class:Assassin/ Singer
History:Vann used to be carefree and caring. When he was younger he was nearly killed by his own brother, his parents believed his brother and caste him out. He was later betrayed by a girl he thought loved her and has since experienced more betrayal and heartbreak. Since than he has given up on trying to find good in the world and believes the world is an evil place. He has been killing people he deems evil in order to make the world a better place.
He isn't afraid of the law for he believes they are corrupt as well.
Strengths: Intelligence, magic, skills
Weaknesses:Distrustful, judgmental, believes the world is evil
Items of Importance: His Raven Talose and his weapons

Username:[Silver Moon]
Character Name:Tarsas
Class:Government President of the organization Loki is being forced to work for/Moffia boss/Hacker/ Mage/Necromancer
History:Tarsas was brought up in a rough environment. His father wanted him to take on the business when he got older and so he punished him if he showed emotion, got any bad grades, or refused to listen to him. When he was younger he used to have friends but over time he began to change and isolate himself. Than he dismissed all of his friends.
When he was 10 he graduated with honors as president of his class and went to Oxford. There he graduated with honors as president of his class when he was 14. When he was 14 he took up the business of his father after the 'accidental death' of his father and mother, He had witnessed his mother being murdered by his father so he killed his father in revenge. He than went to graduate school where he graduated with honors once more as the president of his class when he was 18. Unknown to him he also is the heir to the demon's throne.
He is cold and distant but pretends to be kind when it comes to manipulating people out of their money or power. After he succeeds he makes sure they can't retaliate, if they are still useful he uses them. To the public eye he is a man of honor and virtue but in reality he uses and discards people to better himself.
He has a Lolita complex and chooses multiple male partners (usually younger than him) than discards them after he is done, never allowing anyone to get close. He only selects the most handsome, healthy, powerful, and intelligent partners he can find and this is after rigorous testing for disease.
He desires love and companionship but doesn't know how to get it or connect with people. He isn't truly happy but due to not knowing how to be happy he tries to make others miserable.
Strengths: His racial abilities and magic (mainly tapping and drawing from others energy and manipulation but many other abilities too). His strength and manipulation, the ability to make put on a face, his intelligence and cunning.
Weaknesses:Lolita complex, loneliness, true personality.
Items of Importance:An amulet with his family crest that unknown to him marks him as the new demon king, a ring his mother gave him of two angel wings, the organization, a silver haired servant by the name of Kiedo who served his father.

Username:[Silver Moon]
Character Name:Kyo
History:Kii was abused and neglected by his family from from the age of two when he grew his tail and ears. His family was human and yet he was born a werecat. No one is sure how he became a Werecat but the majority of his family views him as a freak.
Kii has been used as a slave by his four older brothers and his father. His mother tried to protect him and one day she vanished, unknown to him it was soon after she argued with his father about how he was being treated. He believes his mother abandoned him. His brothers and father continued to drill it into his head that she didn't want him because he was a freak.He is distrustful of other people and detached from his emotions.
He has nearly been killed by his family on several occasions and blames himself for when his sister was hurt trying to protect him from the abuse. He has been blamed for it as well by his brothers and father. His father recently married a woman who delights in torturing him. He has a scar from where she stabbed a knife through his hand when he failed to put all of her jewelry away (he overlooked one earing).
When he gets a chance, which happens rarely, he will still extra food due to being malnourished. His sister has brought him food but he made her stop after she was nearly caught.
The only reason he keeps himself alive is to protect his little sister who loves and adores him. she is his twin and was born human, but she sees him as her brother and not a beast. She is the only thing that brings joy to his life. He longs to take her and leave but he is shackled at night and kept under close watch by day.
Strengths:Racial and the ability to drain and give life, his sister
Weaknesses:his sister, his imprisonment
Items of Importance:What he is given by his sister or what he can steal

Username: [The Dizzy Raven]
Character Name: Rosalynn Farlove
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Race: Angel Werelioness
Class: Orphaned High School Junior
History: She was orphaned at age 5 when her parents were killed in an automobile accident. Her and her brother Kale were placed into an orphanage and later were adopted by a young couple. She was then able to go to school as her loyal brother watched over her.
Strengths: being with her brother and with friends and loved ones.
Weaknesses: She can be too forgiving and merciful, so she can also be naiive. Being without her brother.
Items of Importance: her birth mother's cross necklace

Username: [The Dizzy Raven]
Character Name: Kale Farlove
Gender: male
Age: 18
Race: Werewolf
Class: Orphaned High School Senior
History: (read Rosalynn's history bio)
Strengths: Being with his sister Rosalynn; they're rather dependent on each other.
Weaknesses: When Rosalyn and anyone he cares about is threatened.
Items of Importance: his father's wolf charm

Username:[Silver Moon]
Character Name:Kiyoshi
History:Kiyoshi was born with special abilities to a powerful politician. He was born the younger of two twinn boys and his brother was born without the abilities. He was born as a power source that others could tap into and he could manifest magic. When he was three he began to manifest the ability of fire and showed it to his parents. His parents turned abusive believing he was possessed.When he turned four they dumped him into foster care and never came back. Everytime he is adopted he is soon returned either because of alleged abuse or because the families claim he is a trouble maker. They have always seemed afraid when they returned him.
Kiyoshi is feared by the other children and this makes the workers believe he is a trouble maker as well. He has come to hate his abilities and try to hide them because he believes he is a freak and that is why noone loves him. When he is severely angry or upset strange markings appear on his body, some of the workers have seen this and believe he is a freak too.
He keeps to himself at the orphanage and at school and is a top student on the honor roll due to studying all the time. This only feeds into the deslike the other children harbor toward him. He is interested in the occult because he has been trying to find away of getting rid of his abilities so he will be adopted and loved.
Unknown to him he likes boys
Strengths:His magic, his intellect
Weaknesses:His abilities, his distrust and hurt toward other people has caused him to distance himself.
Items of Importance: none

Username:[Silver Moon]
Character Name:Aiko (Beloved one)
Class:High schooler and priestess
History:Aiko was born in an isolated village of Japan. She was born with a birthmark that was the symbol of one of the gods on it. During the time she was being born there was a prophecy that a girl with that mark and silver hair, would be born predestined to marry that god. The prophesy foretold that she would help bring peace and happiness to the world and others so long as she remained pure and wed the god. But if she ended up tainted it would plunge the world into darkness and cause the wrath of the god. The prophecy told that sometime around her 16th year the god will come to wed her.The priests and priestesses as well as her parents believed the prophecy and believed she is the one foretold. She was given the necklace marking her further as the god's and trained as a priestess.
Her parents are kind and loving but she is not allowed to date or even be alone in a room with non relatives, this has caused her to be shy around boys and even some girls. She was born blind but tends to 'feel' what others are thinking which has saved her from a man who intended to kidnap her. Her older brother is very protective of her and tends to chase people away from her. This has added to her shyness and made her have little in the way of friends. She is happy aside from not having friends and is not sure she believes in the prophecy. She doesn't know it but her brother has a crush on her and wants her himself.
She occupies her time (when not doing priestess duties or school work)with caring for the animals on the property, hanging out with her brother, and singing. She teaches brial to little children and likes things dealing in the occult. She wishes she had more friends and her family would allow her more freedom.
Strengths:Kind and compassionate. She is caring of others and draws on her friends and family for support, and gives them support in return. She has the ability to heal and even resurrect people, she has the ability to 'see' future events
Weaknesses:She was born blind, she can be shy due to the way she was raised and has trouble speaking to boys.
Items of Importance: A necklace with the symbol of her betrothed.

Username:[Silver Moon]
Character Name:Christoph
Class: Student/author
History: Christoph never knew his father. His mother was a prostitute and always abusive toward him. He tried to avoid her because she saw him as a nuisance and made it known she never had wanted him.
He worked writing after teaching himself how to read and write and self home schooled himself by going to the library. He managed to publish his writings and soon amassed a large fortune which his mother started to use and than saw him as a money bank. He managed to put a large amount away in secret and go to a private school. When his mother noticed the money was drying up even though he remained a famous author she began to abuse him more for the money.
Eventually she grew angry and frustrated because he refused to give her the money or tell her where it was and so she has sent him to live with his father Kristoph giving him a letter to take to him. He doesn't know the content of the letter and is unsure what to think about finally being able to meet his father. Unknown to him the letter reads as follows:He is your problem now. You got me pregnant and I don't want him, I have put up with him far too long. Deal with him, I don't care what you do but I won't take him back! His name is Christoph since he reminds me of you and is a bastard like you!He is heading to live with his father since his mother made him pack some of his belongings and told him he could never come back.
Strengths:He is kind and caring of others and very intelligent, he has special abilities he is unaware of, except healing (you get to decide)
Weaknesses:He is shy and can be too caring. He is naive do to his lack of interaction with others, he is easily dominated by others, and seeks approval.
Items of Importance:His writing supplies.

Username:[Silver Moon]
Character Name:Raidon (thunder god)
History:Raidon was born Claudes son. His mother tried to kill him when he was a baby and eventually when her four attempts failed she threw him into a river. He was found by a police patrol and placed in ICU. When he was well enough he was put up for adoption.
He went from one foster home to the next due to his strange and chaotic abilities, including storms happening around him in a house (hence the reason for his name). He was eventually adopted by a nice couple and taken to their home when he was nine. He was afraid they would find out he was a freak so he tried his best to hide his abilities.
He got into a fight with a kid at his school and ended up hurting the kid by accident with his abilities. His father had come to pick him up and witnessed it. He was terrified he was going to put him back up for adoption but he didn't and revealed he himself had abilities. Since than his adopted father helped him control his abilities and temper.
He started acting when he was fourteen after a movie producer and director witnessed his acting talents in a school play and has been acting since. He helped his adopted parents out financially and the rest of his money is in savings for college. He loves his adopted parents but wants to find out about his biological ones.
His adopted parents hired private investigators to find his real parents. Through them they learned who his mother was and through her (who is now in prison for his attempted murder) who his father is. They reluctantly told him who his father is giving him the choice of trying to meet him. He assured them they will always be his parents but has set out to find his father and find out about him.
Strengths:His intelligence, he can be kind and caring, he can he can be crafty and is good at subterfuge do to his acting. His abilities ((you get to decide what other abilities if any))His sex is addictive and any who try to have sex with him will grow dependent on it. Electricity and storm magic
Weaknesses:He can be a little spoiled and liked to get his way, he lacks confidence in himself sometimes especially where his anger is concerned which he is still trying to control. His abilities are both a blessing and curse, he also seeks approval with his biological father and will do anything to get it.
He has a curse on him, whoever he has sex with even if he is forced, he will fall in love with
Items of Importance: a picture of his adopted parents, his necklaces, cell, he looks like a younger version of his father

Username:[Silver Moon]
Character Name: Senata
Gender:Male in the day female at night
Class: none at present, healer and defender of the waterfall and valley he/she lives at
History:Senata hatched and found only remnants of his people. His egg had rolled into a crevice and so he was able to escape the brutal slaughter of his people. The animals of the glade took him in helping to train him on how to survive. When night comes he turns into a female.
He lives in the glade protecting the animals and his waterfall (his cave is behind it) At night she was singing and unknowingly was overheard she was also seen shifting into her natural form and so a rumor has began about this magnificent mysterious creature.
He/She has just began to mate with creatures of the glade but there is a deep loneliness and longing for a true mate or a companion that can carry on conversations with Senata.
Senata has occasionally flown outside his glade and sightings of him have fueled the rumors. He always returns to his glade afraid of what might happen to his friends if he left to long.
Strengths: What he/she is, his ability to converse with any being, able to feel the earth and cause things to grow and heal. Senata has solar magic in the day and lunar magic at night. The abilities cannot be used against others unless in defense. The abilities are used for helping others and Senata can't even heal him/her with the abilities. Senata's blood tends to allow for quick healing however.
Weaknesses:Loneliness and lack of interaction makes him/her niav. He/She is a pure being and lacks the ability to lie even if their life depends on it. There sexual drive can be a draw back as well. Cannot kill or steal.
Items of Importance: Animal skin clothing
Description:When in his/her natural form they look like a dragon with the head of a panther with a single horn in the forehead. 
The wings are jeweled and can be used as projectiles. The wings are green in collar resembling sapphires
The front legs are dragon like and the back legs are furred. The tail most closely resembles a long unicorn's tail, they are small in stature and are sexual by nature.
When in humanoid form Their hair is the color of their wings and scales and are winged. Lithe and graceful, with unnatural beauty they can easily be mistaken as sirens due to their beautiful voices and the fact they put off an undetectable scent (unless another one of their kind is present) that makes those around them (male and female) lust for them.They are known for trying to mate with anything that is.
Image: Senata when a male can be mistaken for being female<img:>

More to come

Username (or number or email):


2009-12-08 [Gypsy Mystik]: awwww

2009-12-08 [The Dizzy Raven]: hm?

2009-12-09 [Gypsy Mystik]: I was reading your bios Angel "awwww"

2009-12-09 [The Dizzy Raven]: oh lol ^^ k

2009-12-09 [Gypsy Mystik]: ^_^

2009-12-15 [Gypsy Mystik]: ^_^ yay!

2009-12-15 [Silver Moon]: like?

2009-12-16 [Gypsy Mystik]: yes

2009-12-16 [Silver Moon]: ^-^ It's not finished but you can create your character
The Black Prophecy

2010-01-09 [Silver Moon]: Gypsy you can chose what god with Aiko

2010-02-20 [Silver Moon]: what got changed?

2010-02-20 [Gypsy Mystik]: Chesire was making a new character....because she only has two....

2010-02-20 [Silver Moon]: ok

2010-03-28 [Gypsy Mystik]: awwww

2010-03-28 [Gypsy Mystik]: Raidon!!!  AWWWW!!!!

2010-03-28 [Silver Moon]: ^-^ did you read everything? Because if he is even forced by someone he will fall in love with them><

2010-03-29 [Gypsy Mystik]: yes I saw

2010-04-06 [Gypsy Mystik]: Cool Silver.... but your picture isn't showing

2010-04-06 [Silver Moon]: weird it shows on my comp

2010-04-06 [Gypsy Mystik]: it's showing now ^_^ PRETTY~!!!!!!!!

2010-04-06 [Silver Moon]: ^-^

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